Saturday, December 06, 2008

Way of Hermetica V - Short Answer Test

Short Answer Test
(Your answers may be as long as you like but at least one sentence)

1. What is the Corpus Hermeticum?

2. Approximately when was it composed?

3. In a nutshell, what is its message?

4. What are the names and background of its main characters?

5. Can you describe some contemporary Greek sources that form part of the CH world?

6. How does the CH divide the world both vertically and horizontally?

7. What is a daemon?

8. Who or what is “god” in the CH?

9. How does the CH relate to Egyptian theology?

10. Do Hermeticists practice magic and if so to what end?

11. Any question you would rather answer?

You can email me you answers if you like to:

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