Friday, June 10, 2005

The Works of Michael Aquino

Until 1996, Michael Aquino was the founding High Priest of the Temple of Set; before that one of the illuminati of the Church of Satan. I've just been reading two new monumental ebooks published by Michael Aquino and, remarkably for such extensive works, are available free of charge. setanic groupings are viewed from a critical distance by most LHP magicians. One informed commentator recented wrote to me: 'that the isolationist 'black brother' approach is flawed, . . . the TOS seem to equate the LHP with this position and that the aim of magick is to become an isolated, inviolate self.' I'd add that I think any truly sethian magical organisation would be more rosicrucian than old style 'masonic'. The TOS say they are closer in spirit to Crowley's AA, and although that involves the wellknown sequence of 'masonic-type' grades, they still see in this a valid magical structure. And, it has to be said, they do not charge for initiation. Even so, the Temple of Set and before them, the Church of Satan stumbled onto a mythos which is uniquely relevant to modern magick and for that they deserve credit and indeed respect. I haven't read either book through yet (one is 1000 pages of detailed research with over 50 photographs) but whatever the possible bias i! t's sure to be crucial reading for anyone who really wants to understand the magick of this important emerging archetype. - [mogg]

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